Date: April 21
Date: April 21
Pitcher: Francisco Liriano (LHP)
Batter: Jay Bruce (LHB)
Fielder: Neil Walker (2B)
Situation: Runner on 1st, no outs
Count: 0-2
Pitch Type: 85-MPH Slider
Fielder: Neil Walker (2B)
Situation: Runner on 1st, no outs
Count: 0-2
Pitch Type: 85-MPH Slider
Jay Bruce bunted foul on first pitch and missed a chance to appear This Week in Bunting to Beat the Shift. Do you remember that Bruce tried to bunt against Liriano last September?
4-5-3!!!! The Pirates made fantastic play two pitches later. Bruce got #shifted, and PEDRO ALVAREZ turned a double play.